Complementary activities

Not only stress-analysis.

Our experience is all around mechanical constructions.
We can design:
-steel structures, as skids and multi-layer strucuctures
-pressure vessel
-mechanical parts of boiler, ASME I

We have licences for design in : ASME Section VIII Div 1 & 2; EN 13445 (European); PD 5500 (British); API 579 (Fitness for Service)

Our knowledge of mechanical problems, particulary with isotropy materials, let us to understand reals problems that are behind each engineering adventure.

Steel structure can be designed in Eurocode or AISC standard. Lifting verifications and item rotations can be studied.
For partitular needed, stress analysis verification can be integrated in steel structure analysis, to consider the whole beaviour. This type of analysis can be usefull for critical situation to simulate in depth a sismic event.

Pressure vessel, up to hundreds of tons. Lifting, rotations, all aspects will be considered, moreover our knoledge will consider any particular problems the specific object will create, more than the ones handled by only the software.

Focused on calculation, we can consider the full design (calculation and drawings) for some items.